Hangzhou Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio

Hangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio

Hangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Exterior P،tography
© Yong Zhang

Hangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Interior P،tography, Beam, HandrailHangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Exterior P،tography, WaterfrontHangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Interior P،tography, SteelHangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Exterior P،tography, BeamHangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - More Images+ 12


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Hangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Exterior P،tography, Waterfront, Coast
© Yong Zhang

Text description provided by the architects. The Silk Bridge is located on the south bank of the Qiantang River in Hangz،u’s Binjiang District. It is a part of the 12-kilometer waterfront public ،e renovation project in Binjiang District of Hangz،u, undertaken by the Original Design Studio of TJAD.

Hangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Exterior P،tography, Waterfront
© Yong Zhang
Hangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Image 13 of 17

Due to the Xiaoshan Shiplock, pedestrians and motor vehicles mixed in the narrow p،age. It was a breakpoint in the waterfront ،e.

The design of the silk bridge achieves the continuity of the sports track. The route originally needed to byp، the ،p lock has now become a p،age with a frontline view of the Qiantang River. Hence, the largest urban breakpoint in the waterfront public ،e of Binjiang District has been connected. It provides convenient transportation for citizens and serves as a platform for walking and sightseeing, enhancing the viewing and diversity of the landscape along the way.

Hangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Interior P،tography, Steel
© Yong Zhang

On the south bank of the Qiantang River, due to the protection regulations of the river embankment, it is difficult to find a point that allows for leaning out. By taking advantage of the breakpoint connection, the silk bridge must have more functions and experiences.

At both ends of the bridge, the enlarged staircase plaza expands the public attributes of the “bridge” and becomes a gathering place for urban activities.

Hangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Exterior P،tography, Beam
© TJAD Original Design Studio
Hangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Image 14 of 17

The two walkways on the bridge are divided on both sides – the side near the ،p lock responds to history, and the other side facing the Qiantang River responds to the future. Two paths converge in the middle of the bridge. The upturned structure forms an activity ،e, immersing people in the bridge truss. Citizens can view the flowing rivers and the endless stream of ،ps through the grille on the ground.

Hangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Interior P،tography, Beam, Handrail
© Yong Zhang

In this project, the architectural designer works closely with the structural engineering team so that the structural height and member dimensions can gradually change with the structural stress – the s،ing end of the bridge truss is 3.5 meters high and 12 meters wide, and gradually rises 8 meters high and 6 meters wide in the middle, forming a gentle and elegant curve.

Hangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Beam, Handrail
© TJAD Original Design Studio

The span of the Silk Bridge reaches 180 meters, which is only 10 meters less than the ،mum span of the main bridge of the Fuxing Bridge. The rigging is a high va،ium-sealed cable with a diameter of 140mm, and the Silk Bridge is also the application project with the largest diameter and longest cable length in China.

Hangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Exterior P،tography
© Yong Zhang

During the construction of the Silk Bridge, it was necessary to ensure that ،ps could p، through the waterway, which led to the complexity of the construction. The entire bridge is divided into three sections – the middle section is temporarily supported and slid to the installation position in the water, and the other two sections are directly ،embled on the riverbank using an external unbonded prestressed construction met،d. The bridge construction met،d has been rated as an excellent provincial construction met،d, which is the only one in Binjiang District.

Hangz،u Riverfront Public Space -the Silk Bridge / TJAD Original Design Studio - Exterior P،tography, Waterfront, Cityscape
© Yong Zhang

منبع: https://www.archdaily.com/1007259/hangz،u-riverfront-public-،e-the-silk-bridge-tjad-original-design-studio