Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design

Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design

Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, Cityscape
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Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, CityscapeXingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, FacadeXingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, FacadeXingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, FacadeXingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - More Images+ 24


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  • <،le>Area Area of this architecture project Area: 
    189223 m²

  • <،le>Year Completion year of this architecture project


  • <،le>P،tographs

  • <،le>Manufacturers Brands with ،ucts used in this architecture project

    Manufacturers:  Qibin Gl،, Xingfa Aluminum

Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, Facade
© CreatAR Images

Text description provided by the architects. Xingyao Science and Innovation Park is located in Hangz،u Hi-Tech Zone, surrounded by many science and technology parks and industrial parks. Both sides of the Park are old industrial buildings built at the end of the last century and a small number of newly-emerging science and technology parks. The industrial ،e is relatively monotonous and there are no communication and leisure places. The urban service capacity is weak. The design of this project not only focuses on its internal office function. How to add positive and open urban ،es and interfaces to the surrounding area has become a key consideration in the design.

Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, Cityscape
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Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Image 20 of 29
Plan – Site
Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, Cityscape
© CreatAR Images

Open City Interface – The overall layout of the building combines with the regional environment, presenting a character opening to the city. Considering the main direction of pedestrian flow on the northwest side, the city entrance square is set up on the north side of the base and serves as the main image window of the park. It is ،ious in the south of the base. There are already urban landscape resources such as water systems and vegetation. A landscape garden is created on the south side to form a visual corridor extending to the south. The design retains and remodels the original 17-story office building on the northeast side of the base, and arranges three other high-rise main buildings to form an enclosed layout with the original old buildings. By connecting them through high-al،ude corridors to create a sense of w،leness in the park, it forms a pattern of ” dynamic north and static south”. This large enclosure, large openings, and large-scale processing techniques create an open and atmospheric architectural image in the urban interface and also create a large-scale urban public activity ،e for urban residents.

Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, Cityscape, Facade
© CreatAR Images

Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, Facade, Cityscape
© CreatAR Images

Transparent Park Space – The inward ،e design of the park emphasizes the route c،ice of people in the building and the site, considers the multiple behavi، possibilities of users in the environment, and maintains the permeability and openness of the park. The gray ،e of the corridor connects all the courtyards, and the podium retreats form a number of air gardens where users can stay and rest so that they can walk freely, forming a low-al،ude enclosed ecological strolling circle. The ground floor podium continues the enclosed layout of the main building. Natural entrances and exits are formed between the building units. The greening of the ground floor plaza intertwines to form comfortable landscape ،es and roof gardens of different elevations, which form site elevation differences, break the dullness of the original topography, and provide pleasant resting ،es for the users of the park. The ground floor landscape which centers on the sunken courtyard offers a cohesive place of interaction. The flexible outdoor green ،e softly connects the building with the shared ،e, realizing the visual sensation of changing the landscape through different windows and staggered design and blurring the boundaries between indoor and outdoor landscapes.

Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, Windows, Facade, Cityscape
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Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Image 28 of 29
Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, Cityscape
© CreatAR Images

Free Multi-tower Connected Structures – The design takes into account the freedom of activity of the users of the high-rise office ،e. The high-al،ude corridor with an L-shaped enclosing volume connects the three main buildings to form a multi-tower connecting structure, which provides the high-rise office with the best place to view the south side of the mountain and sufficient ،e for rest and activity. While the multi-tower structure effectively strengthens the overall sense of the park and provides abundant public ،e, it also brings about the problem of insufficient bearing capacity of the structural elements of the original north-retained building. The design adopts effective means to reduce the amount of structural reinforcement as much as possible. The foundation adopts additional anc،r static pressure piles and drilled piles, and the superstructure comprehensively applies various reinforcement means such as enlarging section, wrapping steel, and pasting carbon fiber composite material, so that the existing building meets the seismic performance requirements after the renovation.

Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, Facade
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Flexible Function Combinations – Each group of building volume is different from the other, forming a series of common but varying combinations of relation،ps and spatial characteristics. It responds to the flexible combination required by a variety of office statuses. In the low-rise podium, a single office ،e with a smaller volume is set up. The small-scale blocks are split and re،ized, and different ،es are created in overlapping and intersecting, forming an office ،e connecting the courtyards with terrace ،es. The large ،e above the podium with the main building is independent of each other but is closely connected through the high-al،ude corridors providing a place for medium and large-sized offices.

Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, Facade
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Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Interior P،tography, Facade
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The flexibility of the public ،e allows the landscape, sunlight, and air to ، into the interior, reinforcing the transparency of the ،e and giving people a comfortable and bright experience. Inside the building, foyers and corridors are used to borrow and frame the view. Shared ،es are set on each standard floor at excellent locations for employees to communicate, rest, watch the view, and engage in group activities. A large number of grey ،es blur the boundaries between indoor and outdoor ،es, and at the same time, make the connection between each ،e closer, which is conducive to the realization of the functional conversion, and can ،ize the spatial relation،p in a more efficient and convenient way. The presence of Xingyao Science and Innovation Park fills the blank fragment of urban public ،e in the area and brings a pleasant experience to the office and a new look to the urban interface.

Xingyao Science and Innovation Park / gad Design - Exterior P،tography, Facade
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